I’ve heard of the concept, described with a cute word play on the age of three, combined with term used to describe the adolescent years, you know teenager. Well, put them together you get THREENAGER…and I have one living in my house! Raef is now in that space of time in the middle of being 3 and turning 4. Lots has changed for him since hitting the big 3. He’s potty trained, goes to not one, but two schools…and he can dress himself and reach – or figure out how to reach, just about anything. He knows how...

This year I caved, I got an Elf…on the Shelf! At ages 2 and 3, this holiday season took on new meaning with my older toddler really understanding the whole “Santa” concept a little better, and well his lil bro is never far behind. So while from the outside looking in I had maintained I wouldn’t be getting one of those “creepy-looking elves,” now that I’m on the inside, we got one! I prepped my boys prior to Turkey Day telling them we’d be getting a visitor from the North Pole who would be...

I wanted to do a special something for my 3-year old’s preschool class, and teach him about giving this season, as well as receiving. I was looking for something themed for the holiday season, not too heavy on the wallet and a “gift” we could make together. So, after scouring the internet, I found “recipes” for Snowman Soup! It’s a really simple idea and all you need are a few simple ingredients. Hot Cocoa packets Candy Canes Marshmallows Chocolate Since I found chocolate covered marshmallow snowmen...

Okay, so we didn’t actually bake. There’s only so much you can squeeze into a few minutes of TV….but the theme of the segment was gadgets and ideas on how to get kids cooking and baking this holiday, making time in the kitchen a family affair! I did this TV segment as a spokesperson for Brilliant Baby Products on Good Day (Sacramento), and I must say it was a good time. Now, by profession I am a television host…BUT usually I am the one asking the questions and guiding the segment, rather than the “expert”...

When I was living in Virginia, I met a talented musician named Holly Bishop, who runs a great toddler/preschool music program in the Hampton Roads area called Little Rockstars. Well, now she has released her very own children’s music CD, Away We Go! She was sweet enough to send me a copy to enjoy with my boys, and we love it! So far our favorite track is “Baby Signs.” Her music and the songs on the CD are fun and (in my opinion), are just the right blend to appeal to the younger set, while still being pleasant for grownup...

We hear the term used often, “Me Time.” It’s something we all need, but rarely get enough of…and when Motherhood sets in, it definitely becomes a challenge. I envy the Moms who never miss a step. They have a child and are able to seamlessly continue date nights with their partner, hang out with their girlfriends and still be the best Moms they can be… Now, I KNOW all Moms can relate to some type of adjustment period after having a baby, but for some of us, going on a date night or taking “Me Time,”...

  I brought my boys to a local pumpkin patch, in the spirit of the season, only to discover that WHITE is the new ORANGE when it comes to pumpkins. I don’t know why I’m surprised that there’s a new variety infiltrating pumpkin patches – everything is so innovative these days, thus giving families more choices when selecting the perfect squash to carve, cook or paint. These days there’s just so much more going on…it’s definitely NOT like “when I was a kid.” They’ve probably...

Every year when October comes and the signs of fall are around, it’s hard not to think of all the yummy goodness that comes along with it. I mean all the sweet treats and fun foods that always seem to kick off at Halloween and take us to Thanksgiving and eventually to Christmas and the New Year! So, as we close in on some spooky good times for the last day of this month, I couldn’t help but notice a couple really cute handmade Halloween-themed treats. First up, my friend Jenni posted this fabulous picture of some fun Jalapeno...

There’s a story that’s been making headlines and catching the attention of not just Moms but everybody here in the Bay Area this past week. Apparently, unsuspecting shoppers were “treated” to the sounds of PORN while in a San Jose Target store. Read the San Jose Mercury’s story HERE. Long story short, the store’s PA system began playing audio from what seemed like must be a porn film starring a couple women…for 15 MINUTES! 15 minutes is a looooong time! Coincidentally (or not) the store also happened...

I am now a proud, fanny pack wearing Mom. Yes, I said FANNY PACK! The term, product, item, etc… known as a “fanny pack” has certainly been the butt (no pun intended) of jokes, an 80’s iconic fashion statement and sort of like a NON-desireable accessory, but you know what, I LOVE MINE, and I’ll tell you why… In my busy life as an on the go Mom, it is inevitable that I am always running, literally. No matter how much extra time I give myself or pre-planning I do, the clock is always ticking when we are...

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