What is it about men and convenience stores? I don’t think I’m going out on a limb when I say that convenience stores stay in business because of numbers of male customers that patronize them on the regular. I have 2 toddlers, and I’m already seeing that they will uphold the tradition of men being in the convenience store. We live just a few blocks off from a 7-11 store and so when we walk to school or around the neighborhood, my boys are always quick to point out that they went there with Daddy to buy ice cream or juice....

Name: Jasmin Mohib Children & Ages: Amir Mohib- 4 Mahnaz Mohib- 5 Hometown/Current Location: Alameda, CA Quick Bio: My “day” job is as a QA Tech for an outdoor clothing company in the Bay Area. I also model, dance (former Oakland Raiderette), serve as a brand ambassador/spokesmodel and face of FancyHair.co, plus I sing — currently recording an album. Soon, I will also launch my own business that consists of helping people achieve their dreams using various strategies. I am honored to be a board member of an organization...

When the Super Bowl comes to your city, it’s an exciting time. There’s a huge influx of visitors, all kinds of events and happenings around town, plus the fanfare that comes along with pro sports and star athletes. Yes, there’s extra traffic, congestion, street closures and other inconveniences, BUT seriously, it’s only for a short period of time and you might as well roll with it, rather than fight it and complain, right!? I have been lucky enough to cover the Super Bowl as a part of the “media” in...

Name: Kristen Hewitt Children & Ages: Lila 6, Emylia 4 Hometown/Current Location: Minnesotan sweating it out in South Florida Quick Bio: Kristen Hewitt is a two-time Emmy Award winning Television Reporter, Host, and Producer in South Florida for Fox Sun Sports and the Miami HEAT. (But she tells everyone she’s just a mom who talks on TV sometimes!) After struggling with infertility and finally having two daughters via IVF, she decided to work part-time. She chronicles the misadventures of working late nights in sports broadcasting...

I’m a Mom to 2 boys…and there are things they do and say that let me know they are ALL boy. As a disclaimer, I don’t have girls, so I’m not trying to generalize (or polarize) that these points only apply to boys, or that they’re representative of all boys, BUT for me, these 5 points clearly point to the fact that my egg was fertilized with a Y-chromosome on two separate occasions! I try to do some “research” and compare notes with my fellow Moms…girl Moms if you will, and the consensus seems...

Name: Bon Crowder Children & Ages: Kate, 6 and John Hunter, 2 Hometown/Current Location: Houston, TX Married to: Judson, a Certified Professional Organizer Quick Bio: I’m a math mom and education fanatic. I’m an accidental math teacher but an intentional math blogger. I don’t love math, and I don’t much like the text book versions of it either. I just love empowering people. And I know that fear of math takes a huge hit to parents’ feelings of empowerment. Especially during homework time. I blog at MathFour.com about...

Have you ever heard about the FREE “construction” projects that kids can participate in at your local Home Depot or Lowe’s stores? I had caught wind of this FREE, did I say FREE program!?!? …and we finally had a chance to sign up and attend one of these workshops. We made it a family affair and we signed up for a Lowe’s “Build and Grow” workshop to construct a race car! Personally, I was pretty excited for my boys to take part in this hands on building experience on site in the store. I was a...

Name: Mim Jenkinson Children & Ages: 2 year old daughter and baby son. Hometown/Current Location: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Quick Bio: I’m a 30-something Brit living in Australia and a mother of a 2 year old little girl and a baby boy. I’m an advocate of hypnobirthing, positive thinking and laughing at myself and I’m pretty much making up parenting as I go along. In November 2015 I was annoyingly diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer and after a successful lumpectomy, I’m currently undergoing chemotherapy. Professionally,...

It’s finally that time of night where I have a moment to myself. The kids are in bed and I’m not quite ready to go…so what to do in my free time but write a new post on the blog! And as I’m thinking of what to write about, all that comes across my mind is diapers…and my choice for what works best at night. I wish it wasn’t even an issue, or a situation I had come to know very well. Toddler boys who have wet the bed because their diaper didn’t last the advertised “12-hours” on the box....

Name: Olia Kedik Child & Age: Yana Mirabell, 2.5 yrs Hometown/Current Location: Moscow, Russia, currently living in Sacramento as well as San Francisco Quick Bio: I am originally from Moscow, Russia. I moved to the U.S. in 2003 with one suitcase and many dreams. I worked in every aspect of hospitality as I earned my second degree in Advertising at AAU. While working in hospitality I met my husband, Andy, with whom I opened our first restaurant together, Skool San Francisco. We have been in business for six years and are a few weeks...

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