Haute Mom: Heather Vines-Bright

Posted on Aug 6 2014 - 12:41pm by Aubrey

2014-04-23 16.21.28Name:  Heather Vines-Bright
Child: & Age: Raiden, 7
Hometown/Current Location: San Jose, CA/Tempe, AZ
Quick Bio: I am a full-time working Mom and Fitness Competitor/Model and I have a passion for inspiring people to find the true beauty within themselves by helping them feel better and look better through my fitness blog, health coaching and motivational speaking. My motivational speaking platform “Bright Girl Speaks” targets adolescent girls and young women.  I talk to them about proper nutrition, exercise, body image, self-esteem and confidence.  This is important to me because growing up I was bullied and battled with many body image and self-esteem issues.  I want to share my stories with these girls and be a positive role model to help them through some of those difficult periods.

FB: Bright Girl Fitness
Instagram: Bright Girl Fitness
Twitter: @BrightGirl_Fit

Q: How do you balance being a Mommy and keeping your sense of self?
A: My workout time is definitely my way of keeping my sense of self. It’s my one hour to unplug from being a wife and mommy and a time when I don’t have to worry about work, cleaning the house or making sure homework is done. I just listen to my music and know that I am doing something good for myself, my mind and my body.

Q: How do you incorporate fitness into your daily routine?
Due to my busy schedule, I incorporate fitness into my daily routine however I can. Whether it be a 5:00am gym workout, quick workout on my lunch break, going to the gym after work, a 20 minute jog or walk or ladder drills with my son. I try to dedicate at least 4 days a week to working out.

Haute Mom Feature

Q: As a Mommy what is it that you feel you do “right”?
A: My son is extremely polite and caring. I feel that I have helped develop those characteristics by setting a good example. I always make sure he says please and thank you and even though he is an only child he is very giving and always thinks about others before himself.

Q: Share something you have learned about yourself since you became a Mom.
Since being a Mom I have learned that there is nothing more important than my family.  It is easy to get caught up in work, but I always try to put my family first and if that means changing my workout schedule or reprioritizing certain things then that’s what I will do.  I know that I will never get back certain moments so I try to cherish and remember them.