Haute Mom: Marni Mutrux Meistrell

Posted on Jan 8 2014 - 12:06pm by Aubrey

marniName: Marni Mutrux Meistrell
Child & Age: Grayson, 13 months
Hometown/Current Location: Born in Key West, currently living in downtown Miami
Quick Bio: Not so long ago, I was a big-shot Marketing Director for a booming e-commerce start-up. Now I’m a full-time mom to a baby boy. I channel my energy into raising him, and channel my creativity into my food blog, www.loveandduckfat.com

Q: What is your “go to” snack/toy/show/trick when your kids start to fuss?

A: Right now, my little guy is really picky. The only pre-packaged baby food I can get him to eat is Happy Baby’s mango puree. For a quick snack to keep him occupied, I reach for Plum Organic’s Little Yums Pumpkin and Banana. They leave little mess and are low in sugar. When I need some “quiet time”, I reach for the iPad and play a Baby Einstein video (free on YouTube). They run about 30 minutes long and Grayson loves them.

Q: How do you balance being a Mommy and keeping your sense of self?
A: I keep centered by doing yoga in Grayson’s room while he is playing. Even 10 minutes a day helps me focus. Pouring myself into my blog also helps. It’s the one place where I’m able to accomplish things “just for me”. Bonus me-time: Doing my nails while Grayson takes a bath.

Q: What is your favorite piece of advice to new Moms?
A: Don’t try to do too much. Stay focused on the little moments because they will pass by before you know it. I know everyone says that, but it’s true. Get in as many smiles, kisses and hugs as you can.

Q: How would you describe your parenting style?
A: Hands off, hugs ready and available. I like to let Grayson explore things on his own, figure things out, get dirty, stick leaves in his mouth, even fall down on occasion. I’m always watching in case something he encounters will actually hurt him, and I’m there for him when he needs me. I don’t want to be an over-protective parent.

Q: Share something you have learned about yourself since you became a Mom.
A: When I became a mom, I learned how much a baby changes your priorities. I learned how easy it was, suddenly, to put my own needs aside. I learned how hard it was to be a mom (it’s never-ending). I learned that for the most part, I knew what I was doing. Children are a mirror of ourselves, so I learned to be more patient, and to be more careful of what I say and how I say it.
