I just LOVE this uber cute idea for Valentine’s Day!! Twinkies dressed up like Minions to let your “sweetie” know that they’re “One in a Minion!” I actually lifted this photo from a friend of mine, and she got the idea from Pinterest. I wanted to share it here because it’s just too cute. I’ve discovered the whole concept of giving valentines in school has far surpassed the flimsy paper ones we handed out in my day…these days it can’t just be a card, there’s stickers, tattoos, candy, etc… some kind of gift that accompanies the card. I guess the kid’s have bigger mailboxes these days too! LOL! If my kids were a little older and able to consume Twinkies with their peers, I would definitely take stab at making these, and probably eat them all up! And — to think we almost lost the Hostess Twinkie to bankruptcy… <3