Name: Aubrey Aquino
Children & Ages: 2 boys! Raef (16 months) and Isaiah (4 months)
Hometown/Current Location: Originally from Bay Area, CA…now residing in Miami, FL
About: Before having children I was working as a TV Host and Reporter. I still continue to pursue that career path, but becoming a Mommy is my dream come true! I love sports, so whatever free time I get often involves attending sporting events of watching them on television…and pre-Mom I performed on the sidelines of NBA & NFL as a pro team dancer. I also enjoy traveling, so my next mission is to master that with 2 babies in tow.
Q: What is your “go to” snack/toy/show trick when your kids start to fuss?
A: This can change all the time, but right now what works is giving Raef some milk and popping in one of his Nursery Rhyme DVDs, or bust out singing my own renditions of his favorite songs! Isaiah is a bit easier, when he fusses usually being held and covered with kisses does the trick for him!
Q: How do you incorporate fitness into your daily routine?
A: Walking and lots of it. It’s great because I get to take the kids outside for some fresh air (lucky to be in South Florida where the weather usually cooperates year round), and I have to put my bum in gear and burn baby burn those calories! Now having a double stroller (I call it my big rig), it’s a bit of an extra challenge maneuvering and pushing…so it’s very important ot have the right set of “wheels.” The other habit I’m trying to pick up is planking, doing sit ups, squats and other exercises which are easy enough to do with the few free minutes I find to even think about exercising.
Q: How would you describe your parenting style?
A: I think one of the things that has really helped me transition into the Mommy role is the fact that I am a “scheduled” person. Maybe it’s my background of working in TV News environment, having daily deadlines or perhaps it’s my Libra sun sign, but for me, organization, time management and routine are key. My babies are still so young that I don’t want to impose rules on them that they wouldn’t understand, so while I try my best to be firm…I have to be flexible. It’s important to me that my boys are able to exercise their innate curiosity about the world and approach every new experience with a “no fear” attitude. That being said, I am working on finding alternatives to saying, “NO,” and ways to acknowledge good behavior and somehow overlook the more undesirable actions! It’s all a work in progress, but actively trying to think ahead and stay one step ahead is key for me.
Q: What is your favorite piece of advice to new Moms?
Now that I’m somewhat becoming an expert on this Mom stuff, I tell new Moms to do their homework. Becoming a first time parent is an education! There is so much information out there, from being pregnant to the endless baby items available to make life easier. It’s never to early to start figuring out what you might need, asking questions and preparing yourself for the adventure ahead. And since no two babies are the same, the learning process will continue everyday as a parent…but know you are never alone, someone else out there has gone through it too.
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