Haute Mom: Liz Hendricks

Posted on Apr 2 2014 - 11:11am by Aubrey

Liz Hendricks
Child & Age: Son Andrew & he is 19mths
Hometown/Current Location: Rochester, NY
Quick Bio: I worked in media for 8 years doing advertising sales and media buying. I was extremely dedicated to my work and the thought of being a stay-at-home-mom never crossed my mind. I had planned to go back to work part-time after my son was born but that never happened. My world couldn’t be more different now. My dedication to work has turned into dedicating all my time to creating a fun and happy family life for my family.  My life is filled with laughs, hugs, kisses and a lot of activity and I couldn’t be more happy as a stay-at-home-mom. I do however feel that I need to still be connected to the media world and needed a hobby, so I started my blog Oct 2013. I am still learning the ropes but it is so interesting reading other people’s blogs and sharing about my family. Please check out my blog: http://truthtellermom.com/

Q: What is your “go to” snack/toy/show/trick when your kids start to fuss?
A: My son is obsessed with trucks and cars. To keep him happy when he is fussy I often create race tracks around the house.

Q: How do you balance being a Mommy and keeping your sense of self?
A: My son and I go to the gym everyday. Our gym has child watch so I drop him off for a couple hours and have “me time.” I leave there stress free and ready to take on the rest of the day with my son.

Q: What is your favorite piece of advice to new Moms?
A: Take time for you. Its so easy to get lost in your child’s world.

Q: How do you incorporate fitness into your daily routine?
A: I try and workout everyday. Weekends are hard because we like to do activities as a family.

Q: How would you describe your parenting style?
A: Easy going. I want my son to learn from his mistakes.

Q: Share your best or favorite place for a family vacation and tell us why.
A: Every year my family vacation in Stuart FL. I have been going there every year since I was a little girl to visit my grandparents and now we visit my parents.

Q: What’s your most memorable Mommy moment to date?
A: Watching my son take his first steps.

Q: As a Mommy what is it that you feel you do “right”?Share something you have learned about yourself since you became a Mom.
A: I put my family first. I used to put others first but since my son came into our lives its my family first no matter what.

Q: Describe your “Haute Mom” (fashion) style!
A: Simple.  My day to day is usually yoga pants and yoga top. When my husband and I go out its a simple outfit, no more heels for this mom (unless its a wedding)!

Q: What’s the best surprise you’ve ever done for your kids/family?
A: Best surprise was my husband birthday this year. I tied a balloon to my son’s pants and had him walk into my husband’s office and surprise him. It was the cutest thing to watch both of them!