Tag Archives: sippy cup

Picky Picky About His Sippy

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It wasn’t hard to wean either of my boys off the bottle to a sippy cup. However, my younger toddler is EXTREMELY picky when it comes to his sippy cup for drinking milk! When it came time for him to give up his bottle, it took less than a week for him to realize the bottle wasn’t coming back, and I bought him his own set of sippy cups so he wouldn’t have to share or use the same ones as his big bro…

At first, before I made all his bottles disappear, I would put water in his sippy cups to get him used to a cup and then finally started putting milk in them when I took away his bottles. Well, I also discovered he had a resistance to “hard spout” cups vs. “soft spout.”

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And, since then I have realized that soft spout sippy cups are much more difficult to find in stores. They also cost more to maintain because when toddlers bite and chew on the spout, they rip and they need to be replaced! But, while he’ll drink water and juice out of the other cups, he is very particular about the container for his milk. I’ve even tried a bait and switch approach at night or when I think he’s too tired to notice….but every time he recognizes the difference and you should see the looks I get for using he “wrong” sippy cups!

So if you have a transitioning toddler, maybe this is an issue for you too?? For us, he likes the NUK Active Cups with a silicone spout or Munchkin brand sippy cups with the soft spouts. Soft spout are key here!! Now if I could just get him to start drinking out of a regular cup….



I’m the Mommy to a Milk Monster!!


We go through 4 gallons of milk in my house a week…easily…and that’s on a good week. Sometimes I avoid drinking any or won’t have cereal, because I don’t want my guys to run out. However lately, it seems like I can’t keep enough milk in the fridge. My 2.5 year old drinks non-fat skim and the 1.5 year old consumes Vitamin D whole milk…our fridge is full of milk! I guess it’s kind of our fault, maybe we’ve pushed milk on them a little too much, so it’s become a crutch to pacify them or help them fall asleep. MY BAD! But, enough is enough and it’s time to cut back.

As it is, I try to only offer him maybe 4 ounces at a time, but he’ll beg for more… and since I am not the lone person who pours his cups…my version of 4 ounces may not be the same as the others! Just saying…hehe

From a health standpoint, I have healthy boys and when Isaiah hits the 2 year mark, he’ll be going to non-fat too, so it’s not a weight issue on either end, but I know doctors and “experts” warn about food allergies, iron issues, constipation and/or too many extra calories and not enough other nutritious foods. The things is…and I know “guidelines” are always being redefined…but when I was a kid I recall drinking milk all the time, and I turned out fine!

But seriously, another problem with all this milk consumption is the amount of “pee” it produces! I mean when my child can get through a night with just 1 overnight diaper and his pajamas and sheets are dry, it’s like a victory for me. Plus, it’s about that time to potty train, so how will he every be able to get through a night dry when he’s all milked up!?!?

It’s certainly time for the tough love with his leche. The good thing is that boys of my sons are on the high end, in the 90-percentile of the charts, and it’s been that way since birth. Raef isn’t just drinking milk and not eating or drinking other items…it’s just he loves his milk that much!

I don’t think it’ll be easy easy getting my milk monster to ease up on his milk consumption, but it’s time for this Mommy to put her foot down, and hopefully I can fix this before little brother gets in the habit and becomes my milk monster number 2!